Rolling Stock PBM

Game: 4 (BGG PBF 1) (training) – Turn: 10 – Phase: 9 (pay dividends and adjust share prices)

⇤start ↞previous turn ←previous phase
next phase→ next turn↠ latest move⇥
  1. Star (Joakim) pays $9 per share, price down to $37.
  2. Orion (Brian) pays $10 per share, price up to $41.
  3. Eagle (Charlie) pays $3 per share, price down to $16.
  4. Wheel (Adam) pays $5 per share, price down to $15.
  5. Horse (Joakim) pays $0 per share, price down to $12.


(players in player order)

name cash value companies bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear
Juho $69 $139 SJ[30] BSR[40]
Charlie $41 $94 FS[37] *1
Brian $69 $151 *2
Joakim $22 $108 *1 *2
Adam $27 $102 *5
Shares owned by bank34020
Shares issued in total45245
Share price$16$12$41$37$15
Book value$19$25$68$127$58
Market capitalization$64$60$82$148$75

Share price row

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 31 34 37 41 45 50 55 60 66 73 81 90 100
Horse Wheel Eagle Star Orion

Company deck

Foreign investor

Corporation details

(in share price order)


Private company details